Reference: 4112

Brand: Tabaibaloe

Make-up remover and cleaning wipes with aloe vera 25 pack

Review(s): 0

Tabaibaloe "Cleansing and makeup remover wipes with Aloe Vera" gently cleanse the face. They allow you to remove makeup, impurities and dirt from the face with a single gesture. Thanks to their texture they do not provide a greasy sensation. Others, they take care of and soften the skin.

Price €3.54
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Aloe Vera muscle pain gel 250ml


Relieves your muscular or joint pains with the muscle gel of aloe vera. This muscular recuperador, of desinflamatorio effect, will improve the blood circulation of your body.

Its plant extracts (Harpagofito, Arnica, Hamamelis and Castaño de Indias) make it ideal for relax tired legs or calm contractures and joint problems.

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The muscular gel with Aloe Vera and plant extracts (Harpagofito, Arnica, Hamamelis and Castaño de Indias) will help you because:

  • Constant improvement the blood circulation.
  • Provides relief in contractures and joint problems thanks to its anti-inflammatory action.
  • It is excellent for sport massage for its recovery effect and muscle heater.
  • It improves the pains of back or neck, in addition to providing a pleasant sensation of freshness.

Do you want to remove once and for all those muscle tensions that build up on your neck, on your back or in other body regions after the day to day of your workday?

Have you had any overload while exercising and want decrease pain of joints or muscles?

Do you want, in short, to relieve those discomforts and feel better?

Vidaloe® muscle pain gel is especially indicated in both situations, which makes it both an ally against specific pain and an ideal solution for sports massage.


Aloe vera gel for muscle pain Vidaloe® contains a combination of four plant extracts: Harpagofito root, arnica, witch hazel and horse chestnut.

La root of the harpagofito, also known as "devil's claw", sneezer or "devil's nail", is a plant widely used in herbal treatments in Europe since the 70's. At that time its anti-inflammatory, analgesic and digestive properties were discovered .

This plant of African origin (specifically from the Gambia) is used as a natural alternative in all types of treatment of lumbar, rheumatic pain and other injuries.

The second ingredient in Vidaloe® muscle pain gel is the arnica.

This plant, whose properties have been known since the 12th century, is also widely used from the field of phytotherapy for relieve pain caused by bumps, especially sprains, tears, tendonitis or dislocations.

Also known as “mountain tobacco” or “fall herb”, it is also used to prevent hermatomas from forming after suffering trauma.

In third place, hamamelis (or Witch Hazel) is a natural venous tonic traditionally used to heal wounds.

It helps in the circulation of blood and, therefore, is used in treatments of both hemorrhoids and varicose veins. Even in:

- Hands or feet asleep
- tingling
- cramps
- heavy legs

And finally we have the Horse chestnut, the last of the ingredients of this anti-inflammatory gel with aloe vera.

Horse chestnut is a natural remedy that is used in disorders such as swollen legs. It contains substances that facilitate peripheral blood circulation and is especially indicated in:

- varicose veins
- cramps and tingling
- swollen veins or phlebitis


  • Aloe barbadensis 80%
  • Alcohol denat
  • Camphor
  • Glycerin
  • Root extract of Harpagophytum procumbens
  • Arnica montana flower oil
  • Leaf extract Hamamelis virginiana
  • Seed Extract Aesculus hippocastanu
  • Oil of mentha piperita
  • Oil of Rosmarinus officinalis
  • Xanthan gum
  • Citric acid

Application modes

Application of muscle gel in 250 milliliter container

Extend with your fingers the muscle pain gel Aloe Vera Vidaloe® gently on the area to be treated, with a massage until you get your complete absorption through the skin. Repeat this action two to three times a day.

By containing eighty percent pure aloe vera, its texture will allow the content to quickly penetrate through the dermis. Once extended you will get a feeling of lightness and relief practically immediate.

The joint action of aloe vera and the other anti-inflammatory plant extracts that make up the formula of this gel (harpagofito root, arnica, witch hazel and horse chestnut), will make you have it always at hand in your bathroom

Product Details

Data sheet

250 ml

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Make-up remover and cleaning wipes with aloe vera 25 pack

Aloe Vera muscle pain gel 250ml

Relieves your muscular or joint pains with the muscle gel of aloe vera. This muscular recuperador, of desinflamatorio effect, will improve the blood circulation of your body.

Its plant extracts (Harpagofito, Arnica, Hamamelis and Castaño de Indias) make it ideal for relax tired legs or calm contractures and joint problems.

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